Either this is just me, or some crazy thing that I've been thinking about for some time now. Which, either way makes it just me.
For most people that I know that live 'round here. They HATE the winter. Some because they think that it is too cold. Some because they hate the snow. Some because the snow days cancel school [yes, I did dare say that =P .] And some because they become really depressed that time of the year.
But why depression? It's just another season. Another time of the year. Heck, there's even Christmas in the winter. What could be so bad about it? For some people, yes there is really good reasons involving medical. So, let's talk about the others. The one's that aren't medical and most of their depression is in their heads.
"OMG! This guy that I've liked for so long likes this other girl who's going out with this one guy that's cheating on her. So, I think she's gonna find out soon and she's gonna break up with him and then she's gonna start liking the guy that I like and I'll loose everything."
-"But he doesn't even like you..."
"That doesn't matter. I'm not going to be able to like him when they go out. And you're missing the point!"
-"Uh... No, I get the point. But um..."
"OMG! I'm going to loose him and nothing will ever be the same again!!"
This situation has totally happened before. People will do pretty much make things up to be able to be depressed. Personally, it's stupid, but it happens.
So, "made-up-in-the-head" depression can have a few reasons behind it: guys, girls, friends, not getting what you want, and music. Yes, good 'ole music. But I'll talk 'bout that one in a sec.... I think. Anyway, one question that floats around in my mind is, "Who the heck actually wants to pretend they're depressed?" Well, I've been there, as unfortunate as it is. It's a way to get attention. Friends will feel bad for you for what ever reason you've told them. You're family will start to worry with a completely "different you" and dropping grades. [It's shocking I know, you're family actually CARES about you!]
Now why would someone do all of that just for attention when they could just work hard in school or around their house or community and get positive attention that way? Simple, it's e-a-s-i-e-r! Bingo. Our society is l-a-z-y. Which is all influenced by the m-e-d-i-a! I don't really watch tv or read popular magazines and such, but I do listen to the radio. Now, you can call me crazy for saying this [wouldn't be the first time for me] but I think that this "made-up-in-the-head" depression is in part influenced by music. Either it's just me, but I think that in the winter there is more down and depressing music. Especially on the radio, and the music mostly there is influenced by what people want to hear. So, if a few people are depressed, obviously they don't want to listen to something cheerful and giddy, so the down and depressing music gets onto the radio. Soon, more people listen to it and think, this stuff is so true. So and so broke up with me. What's'er name isn't friends with me because I spilled a coke on her at lunch today. My parents are working later hours, "because they don't like us." And voila! Depression!!
People like attention. But there's got to be better ways.
Jessi Again you've hit dead centre with this one, I like the thoughts, and the evidence to support them, someone still knows how to write from school :) I like it and it makes sense to me, you know I've been there, and well I'm glad you guys were there, excellent piece sis, keep up the awesome writing!
ReplyDeleteArmageddon Train!!!
I know of a book you might like, Choice Theory
ReplyDeletehey this is ben! leveille. i thought first i would say that toetwis sounds like some sort of horrible candy confection that i would not want to eat. but still the blog itself is neato!
ReplyDeleteand as for THE ARTICLE ITSELF, this is pretty much the principle upon which emo music was founded
it's pretty sad. ]: i dunno if these songs play more in the winter? but if people were depressed in the winter it would probably be just general annoyance at winter. (cars not starting, it being cold and slippery, and all that jazz.) especially post-christmas winters? 'cause basically for most people the saving grace of winters is christmas, and when that's over and done it's like OKAY WE GET IT, SPRING PLZ KTHX
aaand i kinda forget where i was going with that. sorry!
That's alright. ^^ You don't have to worry about it. I'm sure you'll remember in time. And if not, I'll forget about it soon enough. Tanks for commenting. ^^ And yea, that was how emp music was created =P
ReplyDeleteWell, most of the time when I write things it is generalized towards high schoolers. Since most things are based from experiences and friends. But for someone people, things like those little annoyances could influence what's going on. Since I do remember writing that music is part of the influence factor.
Personally, I love the winter. But that's just me. I do know oodles of people who, for them, winter is the worst time of the year. But, in all honesty, I thinks it's the mentality. Winter is depressed season - summer is cranky season. There's more stress on you, [as a high schooler] in the wintertime, because it's when school is. I have to pause this, because I have a reception to go to...but you know I have more to say =)
ReplyDeleteTo be Continued...
Hey, Jessi, it's Aaron. =3 Figured I'd start commenting on your blog stuff, hee.
ReplyDeleteI don't really agree with your main points here because, as you could've said, a lot of your points are subjective. One of your basic points here is that "people are more depressed in winter", and you led that into "the radio plays more depressing music in the winter" and that, "people enjoy being depressed".
I haven't really found that people are more depressed in winter, some people enjoy the snow, firing snowballs, huddling around hot chocolate and partying on christmas and new year's. It's just a matter of personal taste for people what they like more, summer or spring or winter or fall. And I don't know if something as simple as a season would be enough to make someone depressed besides, there's something tranquil and calming, to me at least, in seeing a white-dappled world, with snowflakes gently falling.
As to the radio playing more depressing music during the winter... I can't say I've -ever- noticed that. xD But maybe we just listen to different stations? But I know especially for the two weeks nearing Christmas, the radio plays some of the most upbeat and hopeful music I've ever heard, for example, Queen's "Thank God It's Christmas". ^_^;
And I can't say I relate at all to 'wanting to be depressed'. Digging yourself into a hole of depression leads nowhere, and as soon as I start to notice that happening, I call up a friend and hang out, or just go for a walk and listen to music. I try to spend most of my life as upbeat and optimistic as possible, so depression's generally a foreign state for me. xD
As for that comment about "your family actually CARES about you", well, that seemed really jaded and again, subjective. My family may not always ACT like they care, but I know they do. =3
You're assuming in this post, I think, that your reader is one of those people such as you described, struggling with depression and issues with liking someone or family, or season, or anything. And that may only connect with that certain group of people - however as you seem to be expressing your own thoughts, in which case it's a fascinating read. =3 And there's nothing wrong with that.
Baai~~ I shall comment more soon!
Thank you Aaron! This is exactly what I wanted when I started this. As you said, alot of it is subjective. I write from what I see based on the people I know and hang out with. Just the way that i see the world. I want to know how other people feel about different issues and topics that are going on. And I do tend to assume ALOT. Because I don't know. And when people don't know, we assume. *shrugs* what else can we do.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're right, coming close to Christmas things to tend to get really cheery and up. I should have specified the after Christmas time and getting close to the end of first semester, oh well. But, thanks so much for your input. It really helps.
I go through moods of depression. Mostly when it gets really bad I feel like everyone around me hates me. Like the worst kind of hate, and I can't not think that way. When it's not so bad, I know that people don't hate me but there's something that's there telling me they want me dead. I used to ask my friends if they hated me, so much that they'd get really annoyed. Sorry Jessie but I don't agree with your idea, because I don't see any pattern in my moods related to seasons or music(since I hardly ever listen to it)
ReplyDeleteI actually enjoy winter with all the sports and such. Time seems to fly and I am not nearly as bored as I am in the summer time. It does tend to calm down after Christmas and Exams just add more stress but I still find myself busy and not bored which is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteThe bad side of winter is obviously the cold part. A lot of people like sports in the winter time but I find that I cannot enjoy them as long as I could a sport in the summer or spring. When I get outside and start playing something in the winter after about a half an hour I am all wet and cold. Excessive cold bugs me more then excessive heat ever has.
A bit of ranting on my part there but I suppose my point was that the bad side of winter might influence people to be more depressed especially if they have nothing to do but sit inside. I know that I personally do not get depressed often but in the winter time I find myself getting sad and cranky more often because of the cold, compared to me in the summer.