You want to hang out next weekend?
horselover97 says:
Yea, sure. ^^
horselover97 says:
What are we going to do?
rockerboy300 says:
I don't know. We could go bowling, or play pool, or...uh...go to the park??
horselover97 says:
Yea, sure. That sounds great. ^^
horselover97 says:
Anyway, I have to go. Call me later this week, alright?BYEZ!!!!
The user horselover97 is currently offline.
rockerboy300 says:
I don't have you're phone number....
Has this ever happened? Or a similar situation in which you were chatting away on MSN or at school, and you decided that you two wanted to make plans for the up and coming weekend or event? And in the end, nothing flew because one said to the other, "Call me!"
How many people do you talk to that will tell you, "Call me!" Hmmm?
How many people have ever said, "Let me call YOU!" ?
There is probably a really big difference in numbers there. There is about 3 or 4 people that I can remember that have called me this year. And not, the "Call me for directions." or the "What's so-and-so-what's-'er-face's number?" calls. These would be the people, "Hey, you wanna hang out today? We're doing this really cool thing and thought you'd liked to join!" I can rightly say that of about 95% of my friends tell me to "Call me!" The other five percent, "Yea, just come on over...whenever. I don't care." Now, I want to know why that is. Why do people always tell other people to call them?
I want to say, about 90% [if not more] of my school either has MSN, facebook, deviantart or different combinations of the three. Most people will sit at home and talk to about four to six people at a time, surf through facebook while uploading stuff to deviantart. So, with all of these different online communications systems people know that they can talk to ALL these different people and not have to remember a single phone number. But what I'm trying to talk about doesn't involve simply remembering phone numbers, it's about calling people. But I think I'm getting there.
Receiving a phone call is like receiving a letter in the mail that's not some scam, bills or mistaken mail; it's rare. when rare things happen to people, it makes them feel special. Which everyone likes the feeling of. Because, when someone is special [in the way that I'm talking about] it makes people feel as if they are b-e-t-t-e-r than other people. Who doesn't love, if not like, that feeling?
So, people like feeling special, that's a big news flash. Now, I wonder if I can connect this to lazyness. Yet again.
Well, two friends agree that one will call the other to make plans. And so later on that week the one friend in charge of calling is playing some really intense game of Age of Empires 3 online [wicked game!] and they suddenly remember that they have to call their friend about plans. That person decides that they will call the friend after the game. However, after the first game, one of the online players challenges the friend to another game. Ending up winning the game against a player 4 levels higher then the friend, the friend just kinda forgets that there was something he/she was supposed to do. But, that's not really lazyness, it's forgetfulness. But let's not pin all the blame on one friend, let's head over to the other.
When the two friends decided that they were going to hang out, both friends left with little daydreams of what they were going to do that weekend. Playing grounders at the park, laughing down the street to a gas station to get ice cream. But then, a friend ends up running into the second friend [the one that said "Call me!"] and that friend ends up completely forgetting that they had said they would do something with another friend. So, from that instant, he/she nearly completely forgets that someone was supposed to call them. And when no one calls them, what do they do? Call the friend right away and make plans!! No. Just, no. If only things happened that way.
So who really is to blame for situations like this? The one who forgot to call? Or the one who forgot someone was to call them?
Receiving a phone call makes us feel important. Making one makes us feel like a pest. Some would even use it as a way to test there friends. Only there real friends whould call them, and there fake friends they would have to call everytime.
ReplyDeleteOoh! That's a good point. A very good point. Have you used that on anyone recently to test their friendship?
ReplyDeleteomg, I totally agree with this post. xD Usually I just make plans over msn but like you said, as I don't have their phone numbers, there's no way to confirm that things are still on before whenever. part of it is not having a cell phone and thus it being tough to remember numbers... but until recently I disliked talking on the phone because no one could understand my voice. x3 (a three hour conversation with a friend changing that).
ReplyDeletebut yeah, I totally know what you mean. =/
and so since this doesn't happen with us, feel free to call me/leave your number. =3
Aha! So in the first two posts I have a disagreement and an agreement..yay! ^^
ReplyDeleteEven though, as sad as it is, I don't call people often. One habbit I do stick to is calling people before I go over to there house or where I'm supposed to meet them. Which does have it's advantages. Plus, if someone cancels, I don't get there and look like a fool for showing up when they're not there.