How often is it that you think, "O-M-G[osh]! The world is going to Hell." Have you noticed how much has happened to humans in the past few years. Drugs are very easy for teens to get. And my school even has breaks that are long enough for the "smokers" to go to the top of the hill [and the entrance to the school] and smoke. It's illegal for them to even have the cigarettes and the school is letting them go smoke. [Which I think makes our school look bad.] Something smells fishy [and I'm not talking about the smokers.] Alcohol is another big one for teens. I over-hear so many people at school talk about going out an getting drunk or drinking. People are even into drinking enough that they drink before school dances. Drinking so close to going in that the effects don't hit them until they are in the dance and the cops can't really see them. And once again, another biggy: sex. Hundreds of years ago if two people had sex before they were married [depending on the area] the man had to be killed and the woman was sentenced to never be married or go to a nunnery. It caused great disgrace on the family and normally the rath of the father would be enough to cause the people to die a little inside. How have we gone from that to sex being alright with some parents, as long as the guys wore condoms and girls are on the pill? Does that make it right to commit adultery as long as no one gets pregnant?
It's simple, "My friends do it and they're having fun. Why shouldn't I?" , "So-and-so does it and they're really popular... should I do it too?" , and sometimes, "So-and-so told me I should try it and I couldn't say no." Most times, the opporunity is presented and teens just don't have it in them to say no. But really, everyone has equal opportunity to say yes or no. In most cases, there's more reason to than not to. It's something new, something exciting, it's not right and it's dangerous. There's something slightly addictive and intriguing about things that are like that. [As one reason.] But there's also that voice in your head. You know in movies where there's a miniature version of God and the Devil on your shoulders and they're arguing about whether you should or shouldn't. For the most part, what the Devil says is always just so much more relevant to you. It makes more sense. Plus, he also lies. God simply tells you that you shouldn't. [It's like one of those situations. If you pray for patience, God doesn't give you patience, he gives you the opportunity to be patient.] If you catch my drift.
S-O, God and the Devil are fighting for everyone's soul. What does that have to do with ME? The answer....EVERYTHING!
In my opinion, the world is very much going to Hell. To put it simply, not kindly. Alot of people live only for themselves. They want this and that and are going to go out with so and so or else. They stab someone in the back because "they did this to me, so it's only f-a-i-r!" or "it was coming to them." There is wars being waged because this country thinks that country has nuclear weapons! [Why even have a weapon that even though it will nearly annihilate a country in one hit it will kill the entire planet in time?] There's other wars that have no reason; they serve no purpose at all. The worldy enviroment is being destroyed. Forests are being flattened for subdivisions. Icebergs are melting and slowly flooding places because the globe is being heated. Animals are quickly growing extinct and they're only chance of survival is zoos and captive breeding. And half of the planet doesn't even care that we're killing the only place we have to live!
There's small groups of people that actually care about kids and teens. There's small groups that try to preserve what peace means and try to work things out. There's small groups that care about the planet and the animals in it.
In it's few thousand years of life, our day and time is where Christianity is at it's lowest. And the world is at it lowest. Does that ring a bell anywhere? Someone? Anyone?
Through God is the only way to succeed in life. Let's call God the winner. And through Satan is oh, the losing way. Hence, Satan is a loser. With so few Christians [even though there's thousands] in the world, the loser is winning. To all Christians, that doesn't seem right at all. We need to do something to help this. But what?
Simply, talking to friends about their views on Christianity. Talk some friends out of having sex or using drugs or alcohol. It may not be much, but it can still be a victory. Heck, you don't even have to be Christian to do something like that. But none-the-less it still angers the Devil. So, how many times have you angered or helped the Devil? Hmm?
Hmmm... again Jessi, I think I agree with you here. There is far too much pot-smoking and drinking among kids these days... I'm fine with drinking now and then at a special event and even getting drunk, but it's gotten to the point where people can't imagine how to have fun without getting drunk, and just do it as a matter of routine every weekend. Ditto potsmoking, and I agree with you that the glorification of both has gone too far.
ReplyDeleteSmoking well, I'm not so harsh on because although it's not for me and it's somewhat of a turn-off to see a girl who smokes, it's a long-term thing with no immediate harmful effects, so if they choose to do so, that's their decision.
As for sex... yes. a thousand times yes. I used to walk down that road and at times I'm still tempted to, but the one buffer between me and the adultery thing is a personal thing - I think sex is cheapened by our modern society and has simply become a carnal act of pleasure, instead of the ultimate symbol of love and unity it was before. And so I think I'd only ever have sex, ever, with someone I'd been together with for a long long time and would be glad to spend the rest of my life with. No one else.
So I definitely agree with you that people need to turn to the Bible more often (and stop making it 'cool' to hate Christianity), but on the flip side... being overly pushy and forcing God down people's throats is exactly what turns many people away from the Bible.
My personal belief and the way I approach things is to try and lead by example - show, don't tell, about how to live your life, how to love everyone regardless of what they've done to you, how not to judge people, and how to be a good person. And even if you do all this without professing yourself as a Christian, you're one step closer to God, without even knowing it.
Ultimately, God gave us the free will to choose between a life with God and a life without, and people are allowed to utilize that - and likewise, unlike what some groups believe, we shouldn't give up all pleasure in our lives. That's what makes us human, and if God wanted perfect obedient servants, he would've created them, and he did - angels.
However, I think in striving to become at least somewhat more angel-like, we can make the world a better place. =3
Yes, and I think it's because, surprise here, a lot of people are lazy. It takes energy and time to think of things to do. Drinking's not that hard, and it takes away your thought process. Same with Pot. You can just start smoking, and you can just have fun hanging around.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, the most important people was the family. Your parents. Now, it's not. 50 years ago, if you didn't listen to your dad you were in trouble. Now, its normal to completely disrespect them. Now, we listen to peers. And peers are idiots usually.
Anyway, that's my thought.
I love the first two paragraphs of this. You seem to have found the words I was looking for, but, once again as sad as it is, was too lazy to think of.
ReplyDelete1. The glorification of smoking and the likes.
2. Sex becoming merely for personal pleasure and losing it's very true meaning.
That's what I was trying to think of when I was writing this. Thanks for the words. ^^
I love it. See, but since uncool is the new cool, what you're saying is that really in truth since cool means it's uncool it's uncool to hate Christianity and cool to love it. =D
Lead by example, that's the best way to do anything. Demonstrations. I get my dad to do that whenever he's showing me how to do something, because it's easier for me to understand what it is that he wants me to do. That's also the basis of a mission trip. Going out and helping people for the sake of helping people and serving God by serving others. And it's when people ask "Why are you doing this?" "Why are you helping someone like me?" that you slowy start talking to them about your faith. And it works. I've seen it work. And it's truly something amazing to see people want to know why your helping someone that doesn't deserve it. But in my eyes, all are deserving of aid.
And again I agree, what turns the majority of people away from God is the fact that some people try and shove God down their throat. I even find that a turn off at times. But mostly from a denomination, not from God. Hence why I love my church so much. Because it's about how much God loves us and it's a lot of praising and we do SO many fundraising and volunteer and mission trip type things that it's really amazing!!
And that one of the many reasons that I love being a Christian so much. He ALWAYS offers us forgivness. Because we're loved that much. We're human, and though at times it's hard to remember, it's nice knowing that we are always forgiven, we just have to remember to forgive ourselves.
Once again, agreement. The world would be a better place if people did try to be more angelic-like/God-like. ^^
For some reason it seems highly possible that we can relate alot of things back to being lazy and disrepectful. But that's kind of what society has amounted to. Disrespect and lazyness.
ReplyDeleteJeez...Now I want to get up at 6 and go biking for 2 hours before work..
My first comment is for Aaron and the second is for Fin. Just so you guys know.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that the Devil is working his magic on many people in this world.
ReplyDeleteNot enough people realize what is going on and that the devil is winning. There are thousands of so called Christians that do un-Christian-like things.
We have to stand up, spread the word, if not, future generations of the planet Earth will never exist because the Earth will be no longer. The stupid people will take over, bomb a country, thus destroying the planet.
It's so very true! One nuclear bomb and the world is pretty muh over. I bet all these countries that try to seek world-wide peace, if asked, they wouldn't even destroy they're own nuclear bombs to obtain it. They're too scared of a plan to attack them when that happens. But I think that people just have to have faith in other people looking for peace. Even in itself, that would be a good victory over the devil.
ReplyDeleteBut that's not to say that he won't strike back with force. Hmmm.... I wonder if the world destroy their nuclear weapons would be a cause in starting WW3.. What do you think??
I agree with your opinions fully!!
ReplyDeleteIt makes NO sence why we do all these things i order to 'enjoy life' and 'make life better' when really it is killing us, one by one, party by party, we are dyig off! And when you get older, like in your 30s and 4r0s you have been smoking and drinking all your ife and you dont like it so much because the affect are starting ro show that it is killing you, but you dont feel strong enough to get out of it, and see it as pointless to quit, and find yourself worthless and weak, beause you didnt give GOD a chance to tell you He has lots of strength for YOU and you are worth more than you could EVER IMAGINE!! :D That you missed out on a lot, but life isnt over yet, not untill you die, and your alive, so go live :)
I agree. Sometimes it seems like people are dying at a younger age now. And I don't mean younger as in they are dead and gone, I mean mentally and spiritually. People die. As you said, Aleta, they find themself too weak and pathetic to go on and T-R-Y to get out of things, they just let it happen.
ReplyDeleteBecause you and I BOTH know that there is something truly wonderful and exciting about LIFE! Especially when God is on your side.