As for most who read my blogs, university is dawning. It's here, coming soon, you're moving out and moving in, it's in a year, time to start saving, grades are freaking you out, awaiting on a letter. Jeez...that's a L-O-T to think about. It's also very stressful. But it can also be so very exciting.
Come on, I mean, for people like me [whom are going away for university or atleast are planning on it] you're moving away from home and living with friends. There's so much freedom! No curfews, no one telling you to vaccum the floor every week, or do the dishes [yet I know I'll be the one enforcing cleaning the place] what's not to like about that. Well, freedom in the sense that you can do free things. There's buying the groceries and there's paying rent...and internet...and a cell phone....and work...and studying........and well....little personal time.
This is just kinda me going on a bit, but do you think that kids in "university" [big 'ole scary word for us high schoolers] grow up to have fun and live differently? As in, going to parties and working and hanging at bars with friends and going to school because they have to or they'll be kicked out. Do they ever spend time doing things they did when in high school, when they really were free? Randomly calling up a friend because they're bored and want to hang out. Grabbing some ice cream down after biking with one friend to see another. Going to the park late at night. Walking along the beach. Random bonfires at the beach. Staring at the night sky. Walk or bike instead of drive. Do they ever just...be a kid. Since really, that's what teens are. Kids, with a few responsibilities. Does going to university or moving out mean you HAVE to grow up? I mean, I love that I'll be going to school with people that kinda want to be there. But, I'm scared that I'm going to grow up so much that I'll forget what it really means for me to have fun and enjoy what I have. Doing things I do now. Especially biking. I love biking [I just don't do enough of it =P]
Anyone else scared like me?
Well sadly for me, as I'm only going to UNBSJ for now... I don't think I'll be moving out anytime soon, unless I can get a permenant full-time job and somehow work that in with classes, too.
ReplyDeleteBut yet, I can see what you mean. It's hard to imagine someone having those responsibilities, but still having the ability to be spontaneous enough to just decide "hey, let's do this". Although at the same time, I can't imagine why not. Perhaps it's just our perception of the 'overworked, party-harder' university student, that they don't have enough time for anything fun?
I know that, more or less beyond my power, I'll still be biking places and hanging out with people (lack of car, lol). And there's a few things that my mom told me she did that I'd like to try as well - taking a bunch of friends and all going biking over to the peninsula to this beach and having a picnic, a full-day deal (and that was at 21). So I think, in that case at least, you're never too old to have fun, just as you remember to not let yourself be weighed down by such things as -responsibilities-, and etc.
It probably depends on the person, I think. ^_^;;
So let's make a deal, okay Jessi? When we're older and in university... we won't forget to still be kids, be spontaneous, and have fun. =3
I'll never forget to be a child. I have to work at being an adult! Gosh =D
ReplyDeleteBut that's just me. And I'm excited for University, since, thanks to my traveling, I know I can survive on my own. Anyway, I'm just like a superhuman or something.
I hope I can ALWAYS know how to have like a kid. Especially since God tells us that we need to have faith like a child. I'm also hoping that will be able to always be the case.
ReplyDeleteWith me, I may not be going to college.. But that is alright with me, I as well don't want to grow up.. I believe that being 'mature' is actually consistantly being wise.. making wiser choices.. but knowing when its time to let loose and when its more serious time :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a good way to see it as, Aleta. Because being loose when the time really calls for being serious does not always have the best endings.