The Rebelution's Do Hard Things Tour came to seven major cities across the United States in 2008 -- Charlotte, Portland, Denver, Minneapolis, Dallas, Des Moines, and Washington, D.C. We're not about the numbers, but we love to share numbers that show God is working in our generation:
16,200 teens, parents, and youth workers reached in 2008, up from 4,200 in 2007.
14-year-olds worked with Convention Centers, 15-year-olds manned $50,000 robotic cameras, 16-year-olds managed grassroots publicity, 9-year-olds ran Audience Response Technology, etc. These were events for teens, by teens.
8,800 miles: The farthest distance traveled to attend. Represented were Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and 43 of the 50 states.
500 bold professions of faith in Jesus Christ with every head up and every eye open.
3,200 attendees at the final conference outside Washington, D.C.
This is what the Rebelution can do. This is what it is. This is how I live now.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A Man On The Run With A Gun

Do we prefer to carry the guilt and the weight instead of just letting people be mad for a moment and forgive us shortly after?
Guilt can tear people apart and a lot of people will let it. Then again, it is easier not to say anything and let someone else figure things out. Facing the truth is a L-O-T harder to do. But why do we let the power of guilt kill us before we confess?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Remeber Me

There is one thing that I ask
It is just one simple task
Remember me.
I am not you
[Secret] I am who you think I am
I like everyone as they are
[Secret] I just don’t like some personalities
You may see the differences in you and I
[Secret] I see the similarities
There are a few things
I hope you already know
Things that others see
That shine right on through
I am courteous
I am respectful
I am generous
I am independent
And dependent
I am a Christian
I am a dreamer
I am an average teenager
I am a self-rock star
And my biggest fan
I am joyful
I am artistic
I am outgoing
I am a lover of life
And life a lover of me
There are times that what you see
Is obviously what you get
Though, there is someone you haven’t met
And that person is me
I am odd
A Goofball of sorts
If that is what you please
I dress to my will
That to, everyone agrees
Judge me before
Judge me after
Judge me in the morning
Judge me late at night
Judge me when I eat breakfast
Or when I am tucked in tight
Though, when you do decide
To find out who I am
Just remember this simple poem
And remember all you can
This poem is me
Summed up short and sweet
And thinking back
I do hope that you will remember
“She was really neat”
This is who I am
[Secret] I hope it’s just that obvious
And this is who I’ll be
[Secret] I’ll never ever change
So complete my little will
And reflect on what is real
Remember me.
It is just one simple task
Remember me.
I am not you
[Secret] I am who you think I am
I like everyone as they are
[Secret] I just don’t like some personalities
You may see the differences in you and I
[Secret] I see the similarities
There are a few things
I hope you already know
Things that others see
That shine right on through
I am courteous
I am respectful
I am generous
I am independent
And dependent
I am a Christian
I am a dreamer
I am an average teenager
I am a self-rock star
And my biggest fan
I am joyful
I am artistic
I am outgoing
I am a lover of life
And life a lover of me
There are times that what you see
Is obviously what you get
Though, there is someone you haven’t met
And that person is me
I am odd
A Goofball of sorts
If that is what you please
I dress to my will
That to, everyone agrees
Judge me before
Judge me after
Judge me in the morning
Judge me late at night
Judge me when I eat breakfast
Or when I am tucked in tight
Though, when you do decide
To find out who I am
Just remember this simple poem
And remember all you can
This poem is me
Summed up short and sweet
And thinking back
I do hope that you will remember
“She was really neat”
This is who I am
[Secret] I hope it’s just that obvious
And this is who I’ll be
[Secret] I’ll never ever change
So complete my little will
And reflect on what is real
Remember me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Low Expectations In A High Paced World

This world has become very fast paced. Teens just expect that once they hit a certain point in their life they will suddenly gain all of the knowledge they will need to be able to live out in the real world and be adults. But that's all just a lie that society tells us. We need to learn these things. Have you ever heard the term "kidult?" This is what young adults are being called that never grow up. They do the same thing they did as teens. They party and hang out and skip from job to job and live with their parents. What kind of life does that sound like?
Really, what are the expectaion that people have for us? Don't do drugs, don't have sex, get good grades, graduate, go to university, have fun... What will that teach us for our long life ahead of us? To do exactly what I said. Don't do drugs, don't have sex, get good grades, graduate, go to university, have fun...
Personally, what fun is there in partying and hanging out for the rest of your life? You'll never know what you could have become, who's life you could have changed, learn about the world around you, inspire someone to attain great heights, the possibilities for what life have to offer are endless. You just have to be able to want to fight for them. But the world thinks of us as lazy teens that only think of ourselves. It's a lie that has been decked up really pretty.
Alot of teens that I go to school with are lazy and slack in class. There's no real expectation in the classes. Teachers hardly expect people to do anything. They don't push their class and then wonder why the class average is so low. Teens aren't pushed to do their best; they do what they can to get by. I took two classes second semester last year that I failed to learn a single thing. In one class I got a 92% and the other was an 86% as final marks. I hardly did anything. I never studied. I talked with my friends or listened to music for most of the classes. There was also a lot of movies in those classes. And no one in my class really cared to do their best. But is our best, really our best? Or is it "just enough" to get an A. Yes, it's an A, but in most cases it's not good quality and it's n-o-t g-o-o-d e-n-o-u-g-h to be the best.
But do some teachers see that? No, they will do what they can to get students to pass so they can graduate, instead of everything being the student's ability and desire to do well. Why? Why do teachers do that to us? It really hurts us as people in so many ways.
At home, what do you do? Make your bed, walk the dog, take out the trash? Something simple along those lines? Well, why don't you cut the grass, rake the lawn, cook supper, dust, vaccum, mop, do the dishes, clean your clean, clean the toilets? Why don't you have a list of about 20 things to do after school? Alot of people probably don't even know how to do half of those things poperly. Which is terribly sad.
In your community, what do you do? Go to the movies, the park, the mall? How does that help you in any way? I would say atleast 90% of teens do NOT do any volunteer work. It's [vital as I believe to grow and learn] a very important part of life. Helping others, learning whilst helping and showing the world that "Yes, I can do something worthwhile!"
We're in our teen years. We have the time, the ambition, and the ability to do so many things that we don't. These are the times in which things are supposed to happen. This is the time where we're supposed to grow into our maturity. It doesn't just snap into us as MANY people belive. I used to be one of them. We need to prove the what society has become wrong. We are more than what they think we are.
Who's in?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Getting Out, Growing Older, And Still A Little Kid

As for most who read my blogs, university is dawning. It's here, coming soon, you're moving out and moving in, it's in a year, time to start saving, grades are freaking you out, awaiting on a letter. Jeez...that's a L-O-T to think about. It's also very stressful. But it can also be so very exciting.
Come on, I mean, for people like me [whom are going away for university or atleast are planning on it] you're moving away from home and living with friends. There's so much freedom! No curfews, no one telling you to vaccum the floor every week, or do the dishes [yet I know I'll be the one enforcing cleaning the place] what's not to like about that. Well, freedom in the sense that you can do free things. There's buying the groceries and there's paying rent...and internet...and a cell phone....and work...and studying........and well....little personal time.
This is just kinda me going on a bit, but do you think that kids in "university" [big 'ole scary word for us high schoolers] grow up to have fun and live differently? As in, going to parties and working and hanging at bars with friends and going to school because they have to or they'll be kicked out. Do they ever spend time doing things they did when in high school, when they really were free? Randomly calling up a friend because they're bored and want to hang out. Grabbing some ice cream down after biking with one friend to see another. Going to the park late at night. Walking along the beach. Random bonfires at the beach. Staring at the night sky. Walk or bike instead of drive. Do they ever a kid. Since really, that's what teens are. Kids, with a few responsibilities. Does going to university or moving out mean you HAVE to grow up? I mean, I love that I'll be going to school with people that kinda want to be there. But, I'm scared that I'm going to grow up so much that I'll forget what it really means for me to have fun and enjoy what I have. Doing things I do now. Especially biking. I love biking [I just don't do enough of it =P]
Anyone else scared like me?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Good Vs. Bad And the L-o-s-e-r Is Winning?

How often is it that you think, "O-M-G[osh]! The world is going to Hell." Have you noticed how much has happened to humans in the past few years. Drugs are very easy for teens to get. And my school even has breaks that are long enough for the "smokers" to go to the top of the hill [and the entrance to the school] and smoke. It's illegal for them to even have the cigarettes and the school is letting them go smoke. [Which I think makes our school look bad.] Something smells fishy [and I'm not talking about the smokers.] Alcohol is another big one for teens. I over-hear so many people at school talk about going out an getting drunk or drinking. People are even into drinking enough that they drink before school dances. Drinking so close to going in that the effects don't hit them until they are in the dance and the cops can't really see them. And once again, another biggy: sex. Hundreds of years ago if two people had sex before they were married [depending on the area] the man had to be killed and the woman was sentenced to never be married or go to a nunnery. It caused great disgrace on the family and normally the rath of the father would be enough to cause the people to die a little inside. How have we gone from that to sex being alright with some parents, as long as the guys wore condoms and girls are on the pill? Does that make it right to commit adultery as long as no one gets pregnant?
It's simple, "My friends do it and they're having fun. Why shouldn't I?" , "So-and-so does it and they're really popular... should I do it too?" , and sometimes, "So-and-so told me I should try it and I couldn't say no." Most times, the opporunity is presented and teens just don't have it in them to say no. But really, everyone has equal opportunity to say yes or no. In most cases, there's more reason to than not to. It's something new, something exciting, it's not right and it's dangerous. There's something slightly addictive and intriguing about things that are like that. [As one reason.] But there's also that voice in your head. You know in movies where there's a miniature version of God and the Devil on your shoulders and they're arguing about whether you should or shouldn't. For the most part, what the Devil says is always just so much more relevant to you. It makes more sense. Plus, he also lies. God simply tells you that you shouldn't. [It's like one of those situations. If you pray for patience, God doesn't give you patience, he gives you the opportunity to be patient.] If you catch my drift.
S-O, God and the Devil are fighting for everyone's soul. What does that have to do with ME? The answer....EVERYTHING!
In my opinion, the world is very much going to Hell. To put it simply, not kindly. Alot of people live only for themselves. They want this and that and are going to go out with so and so or else. They stab someone in the back because "they did this to me, so it's only f-a-i-r!" or "it was coming to them." There is wars being waged because this country thinks that country has nuclear weapons! [Why even have a weapon that even though it will nearly annihilate a country in one hit it will kill the entire planet in time?] There's other wars that have no reason; they serve no purpose at all. The worldy enviroment is being destroyed. Forests are being flattened for subdivisions. Icebergs are melting and slowly flooding places because the globe is being heated. Animals are quickly growing extinct and they're only chance of survival is zoos and captive breeding. And half of the planet doesn't even care that we're killing the only place we have to live!
There's small groups of people that actually care about kids and teens. There's small groups that try to preserve what peace means and try to work things out. There's small groups that care about the planet and the animals in it.
In it's few thousand years of life, our day and time is where Christianity is at it's lowest. And the world is at it lowest. Does that ring a bell anywhere? Someone? Anyone?
Through God is the only way to succeed in life. Let's call God the winner. And through Satan is oh, the losing way. Hence, Satan is a loser. With so few Christians [even though there's thousands] in the world, the loser is winning. To all Christians, that doesn't seem right at all. We need to do something to help this. But what?
Simply, talking to friends about their views on Christianity. Talk some friends out of having sex or using drugs or alcohol. It may not be much, but it can still be a victory. Heck, you don't even have to be Christian to do something like that. But none-the-less it still angers the Devil. So, how many times have you angered or helped the Devil? Hmm?
Ring, Ring, Ring, You're Calling The Telephone

You want to hang out next weekend?
horselover97 says:
Yea, sure. ^^
horselover97 says:
What are we going to do?
rockerboy300 says:
I don't know. We could go bowling, or play pool, or...uh...go to the park??
horselover97 says:
Yea, sure. That sounds great. ^^
horselover97 says:
Anyway, I have to go. Call me later this week, alright?BYEZ!!!!
The user horselover97 is currently offline.
rockerboy300 says:
I don't have you're phone number....
Has this ever happened? Or a similar situation in which you were chatting away on MSN or at school, and you decided that you two wanted to make plans for the up and coming weekend or event? And in the end, nothing flew because one said to the other, "Call me!"
How many people do you talk to that will tell you, "Call me!" Hmmm?
How many people have ever said, "Let me call YOU!" ?
There is probably a really big difference in numbers there. There is about 3 or 4 people that I can remember that have called me this year. And not, the "Call me for directions." or the "What's so-and-so-what's-'er-face's number?" calls. These would be the people, "Hey, you wanna hang out today? We're doing this really cool thing and thought you'd liked to join!" I can rightly say that of about 95% of my friends tell me to "Call me!" The other five percent, "Yea, just come on over...whenever. I don't care." Now, I want to know why that is. Why do people always tell other people to call them?
I want to say, about 90% [if not more] of my school either has MSN, facebook, deviantart or different combinations of the three. Most people will sit at home and talk to about four to six people at a time, surf through facebook while uploading stuff to deviantart. So, with all of these different online communications systems people know that they can talk to ALL these different people and not have to remember a single phone number. But what I'm trying to talk about doesn't involve simply remembering phone numbers, it's about calling people. But I think I'm getting there.
Receiving a phone call is like receiving a letter in the mail that's not some scam, bills or mistaken mail; it's rare. when rare things happen to people, it makes them feel special. Which everyone likes the feeling of. Because, when someone is special [in the way that I'm talking about] it makes people feel as if they are b-e-t-t-e-r than other people. Who doesn't love, if not like, that feeling?
So, people like feeling special, that's a big news flash. Now, I wonder if I can connect this to lazyness. Yet again.
Well, two friends agree that one will call the other to make plans. And so later on that week the one friend in charge of calling is playing some really intense game of Age of Empires 3 online [wicked game!] and they suddenly remember that they have to call their friend about plans. That person decides that they will call the friend after the game. However, after the first game, one of the online players challenges the friend to another game. Ending up winning the game against a player 4 levels higher then the friend, the friend just kinda forgets that there was something he/she was supposed to do. But, that's not really lazyness, it's forgetfulness. But let's not pin all the blame on one friend, let's head over to the other.
When the two friends decided that they were going to hang out, both friends left with little daydreams of what they were going to do that weekend. Playing grounders at the park, laughing down the street to a gas station to get ice cream. But then, a friend ends up running into the second friend [the one that said "Call me!"] and that friend ends up completely forgetting that they had said they would do something with another friend. So, from that instant, he/she nearly completely forgets that someone was supposed to call them. And when no one calls them, what do they do? Call the friend right away and make plans!! No. Just, no. If only things happened that way.
So who really is to blame for situations like this? The one who forgot to call? Or the one who forgot someone was to call them?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Winter-Time Depression On The Radio

Either this is just me, or some crazy thing that I've been thinking about for some time now. Which, either way makes it just me.
For most people that I know that live 'round here. They HATE the winter. Some because they think that it is too cold. Some because they hate the snow. Some because the snow days cancel school [yes, I did dare say that =P .] And some because they become really depressed that time of the year.
But why depression? It's just another season. Another time of the year. Heck, there's even Christmas in the winter. What could be so bad about it? For some people, yes there is really good reasons involving medical. So, let's talk about the others. The one's that aren't medical and most of their depression is in their heads.
"OMG! This guy that I've liked for so long likes this other girl who's going out with this one guy that's cheating on her. So, I think she's gonna find out soon and she's gonna break up with him and then she's gonna start liking the guy that I like and I'll loose everything."
-"But he doesn't even like you..."
"That doesn't matter. I'm not going to be able to like him when they go out. And you're missing the point!"
-"Uh... No, I get the point. But um..."
"OMG! I'm going to loose him and nothing will ever be the same again!!"
This situation has totally happened before. People will do pretty much make things up to be able to be depressed. Personally, it's stupid, but it happens.
So, "made-up-in-the-head" depression can have a few reasons behind it: guys, girls, friends, not getting what you want, and music. Yes, good 'ole music. But I'll talk 'bout that one in a sec.... I think. Anyway, one question that floats around in my mind is, "Who the heck actually wants to pretend they're depressed?" Well, I've been there, as unfortunate as it is. It's a way to get attention. Friends will feel bad for you for what ever reason you've told them. You're family will start to worry with a completely "different you" and dropping grades. [It's shocking I know, you're family actually CARES about you!]
Now why would someone do all of that just for attention when they could just work hard in school or around their house or community and get positive attention that way? Simple, it's e-a-s-i-e-r! Bingo. Our society is l-a-z-y. Which is all influenced by the m-e-d-i-a! I don't really watch tv or read popular magazines and such, but I do listen to the radio. Now, you can call me crazy for saying this [wouldn't be the first time for me] but I think that this "made-up-in-the-head" depression is in part influenced by music. Either it's just me, but I think that in the winter there is more down and depressing music. Especially on the radio, and the music mostly there is influenced by what people want to hear. So, if a few people are depressed, obviously they don't want to listen to something cheerful and giddy, so the down and depressing music gets onto the radio. Soon, more people listen to it and think, this stuff is so true. So and so broke up with me. What's'er name isn't friends with me because I spilled a coke on her at lunch today. My parents are working later hours, "because they don't like us." And voila! Depression!!
People like attention. But there's got to be better ways.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Looking Out My Window...What do I see?

I look outside of my window and I see the typical thing for this area. Small cars to save money on gas. Hydro seed to save time of growing a lawn. Cheap dog food to save the brain space to learn what really to feed a dog. Everyone is just trying to save things. But why? Why is money so important that people would give up the car they longed to buy? Why is time so precious that people miss out on the surprises and joys of growing their own lawn and flowers? Why are people so ignorant that they don't even bother learning how to properly take care of a pet? Why are these reasons to try and save as much of everything as we can?
Love, frienship, family, God... people can be so quick to sell out on those things. So quick.. It happens all the time with people that I know, friends, family even. Heck, I've done it myself. By why do we sell out on the things that are truly important? Why?
Love, frienship, family, God... people can be so quick to sell out on those things. So quick.. It happens all the time with people that I know, friends, family even. Heck, I've done it myself. By why do we sell out on the things that are truly important? Why?
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