Thursday, December 31, 2009
It Is Time For Time To Come
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Apologies In The Highest
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
An E-mail From the Aussies
This is a quote from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia:
'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'
This is an e-mail that was sent to me. What is your take on it?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Growing Question of Why?

Why is there such a deep craving for power and money?
When life was simple, there was no need for money. The idea of being better and above someone else was almost completely unheard of. Yes, there might have been one hunter who was stronger than the others in his clan and therefore lead the clan to food. That is not power.
Governments in many countries crave more power than what they already have. The governments that are in place to protect the people that live within their country are the same governments that set up powers to hurt the people of their country so they can make more money. Now a days, governments are in place to make money. However, many people live ignorant of that fact. Because someone from a high ranking company or from a government section say that everything is peachy fine, common people believe them and everything is alright.
Stated above is precisely what had happened to the people living in Hinkley, California. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E) paid for a doctor to tell certain families that the chromium in the water was not the cause of all of the health problems they were having. PG & E also had employees talk to the people in Hinkley that the chromium they were ingesting into their system was actually healthy for them. Until Erin Brockovich looked into the problem, everything for the people of Hinkley wasn't too bad. Yes, they all had medical problems, but it was not the fault of PG & E and so, everything was good.
All that I have left to say is with a question:
How come so many documentaries, songs, speeches are given about fighting back the power and yet so little is done to stop it?
Hints of change in power come up now and then, but really there is nothing big done. Over the past few weeks, I have learned a lot about the American government and systems and of human nature.
The environment is dying. Soon, it will be beyond repair. We know this. We know that if we do not do something now, then we will be caught up in our own demise. Why, if we know how to fix this, will no one do anything to stop it? The environment is about one to two hundred years from collapse. Health care in many countries means 'how much money can we suck out of people until they die and we discontinue them?'
People do not have homes to live in. Why should they have to pay to be able to have the basic human need? The same with water. People should not have to fear their water be poisoned and they should not have to pay for it. There is problem after problem with the world that we live in. We also have a solution that should prolong the life of humans and the planet. However, humans are prone to postponing solutions and letting someone else deal with it. But what can one say? Humans have become corrupt.
One of my high school teachers has a Masters in history. With the studies that she has done, mankind is due for another dark ages. It is something that has happened roughly every five hundred years of man's existence on Earth. In this time, the basics of life, the family as a solid unit become the focus of life. Time dedicated to the sciences and arts are cut back some. I feel that it is time. However, I feel that this dark age just may be the worst and the best that has ever passed. Without it, there's a chance that mankind just might die all together.
[This is excerpted from a paper that I wrote for Sociology]
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Living On The Edge

But it's a battle that never seems to come. You sit and wait. Every day it feels like it draws closer when it doesn't budge. The angst and the torture of the wait slowly kill you on the inside.
There is nothing you can do.
No where that you can run.
The feeling haunts you deep inside.
It doesn't go away.
The longer the feeling stays, the more you begin to hate yourself. You're so tense for waiting for the battle to begin that you begin to let it out slowly. You don't realise what you are doing until it begins to really affect those around you.
They say that they understand, but you see the pain in their eyes at your actions. You feel even more dragged away from comfort as those who are close to you begin to drift away. You hate yourself for pushing them away, even if they don't realise it is you that causes them to do so.
The only way for your pain to end is for the battle to begin.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A song.
Two songs.
Songs hold the key. There is beauty in music because it gives words to those who cannot speak. Or, those like myself at this time, who find themselves at a lack of words.
"Another Heart Calls"
All-American Rejects
"How In The World"
Family Force 5
"Ain't No Reason"
Brett Dennen
"White Houses"
Vanessa Carlton
"Keep Holding On"
Avril Lavigne
"Whiskey Lullaby"
Brad Paisley
Each song a different meaning and yet I feel like all of them. Can it really be true?
Everything runs so fast I catch it as a whisper in my ear. I want to grab a hold of them and hold tight. I want to capture the meaning to put it to words.
And yet....
They escape me...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Post-Appocalypse...Are We Due?

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Eyes, Ears and Mask and Nose

People that look into your eyes are intrigued and mesmerized by their beauty. These eyes can often compell people to look into them and you may often find people staring deep into your eyes.
Monday, March 9, 2009
There Is A Difference! (To The Tune Of That Ad On The Radio I Always Forget)
Anyway, you're probably not reading this to listen to me rant on how much I like books (though, one day I think I might do a post on it. Soungs like it might be kinda interesting. Tee Hee!) but rather, something that could be slightly contraversial. So, here we go!
Alrighty, so, this all started when I went to go see the Watchmen. I haven't read the comic, but that doesn't really matter to me much anyway. Went to see it, thought it was ok and could have dealt a little less with the sex than what it did. Overall, I think I might end up buying it. One day, that is when I can afford to. This began a series of events that led from one thing to another and to the idea for this post. Turning books in to movies! Woot!
I love it when directors and writers and such decide to take a book and turn it into a movie. What a great way to show the ideas of the books. Though, there is something that is SO FREAKING ANNOYING.
Example A: Twilight
Example B: Harry Potter
Example C: The Watchmen
With all of these three examples I have heard complaints about the movie.
"That wasn't even in the book!"
"That's NOT what he's supposed to be like."
"She so didn't do that right. What a horrible actress."
"They didn't finish that scene."
"The completely didn't even put an important character in! They're so stupid."
I hate it when people do that....
What some people don't really realise is that the movie IS NOT supposed to be identical to the book. In many cases, somethings that happen in the book are not really possible to do in a movie. Another thing is that everyone has their own ideas and opinions about the book and that cannot be perfectly portrayed to suit the thoughts of each individual person.
So don't complain! There's no true reason for it. The movies are BASED off of the book for a reason... Not so that it acurately depics the book in second by second action. That would be far too difficult for someone to do. As I see it, a movie based on a book is to capture certain characteristics in people, certain events that happen, recreate certain feelings that the book gives you; it is meant to teach you the same thing the book teaches you, but in a different format and a slightly different setting.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I Want To Leave You, But I Just...Can't

Thursday, February 26, 2009
It's On The Kill: Stress!
I hate stress. I sometimes have a hard time dealing with stress and then slowly degrade until I can't really functionally do anything. Which, in turn, just makes things all the more worse for me. Or, I simply give up and let things decline, until I realise that I have to pull things together in order to actually put something in to it.
There is alot of stress going on right now. And, I can't process it all at once. There is far too much going on that I can't handle dealing with it all at one time. I will simply leave aside the stuff that I can leave aside and carry on with what NEEDS to be carried on.
You do not need to tell me some destressing tips, I know them. I try them and they help. They don't solve the problems, but they help. Anyway, that itself, let out some stress for me. Just a little bit, but it helped none the less.
New posts coming soon! So look out!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sharkbait, Oh Ah Ah

(This is not part of the original e-mail that is being sent around.)
You probably don't know me. I, just about guarunteed, don't know you. Listen to me for a second and then you can make your opinion.
Let me ask you a question. How many of you actually looked this up on the internet to see if it was true or not? Hm? Not too many, I would presume. E-mails like this spread like viruses and few people will take the time to read up on the information contained. Some of you, are not at the age where you can even understand what the situation itself is. Some of you have said that it is selfish to hurt the cats and dogs in this way. But what you don't realise is that is YOUR opinion! Did you know that there are so many cats and dogs on this island that they are treated like vermin, for the most part? Having a dog on this island is comparable to having a Degu (a breed of rat that is a "specialty" pet here in Canada) in Italy or rabbits in Australia. People in those places do NOT have the same views that you do! Please, take that into consideration. Who are YOU to tell someone how THEY should THINK and BELIEVE. You have absolutely no right to do that. And if I were a mean person, I would shame all who wrote comments condeming those peoples' behaviors.
Now, to finish with my last point. For those of you who, by random chance, actually looked this story up on the internet (on reliable sources that is), the people who have been using cats and dogs for sharkbait are the "rogue" fishermen. The ones that don't give a d**n what they do, they just want to catch the sharks anyway they can. For those men, an easy way is to use what is redily available and there is an abundant supply of. Dun, da dada! Which just happens to be, cats and dogs. Wonderful how that works isn't it? This practise is also NOT widely used and NOT a common practice.
Finally, condemn this practice as much as you want. Sign this little e-mail "petitions." You won't make any significant impact. You merely show others that you are...condemning the practice. Many people do and many people don't. But this is NOT the proper way to speak out for animal rights. This is the lazy, almost, cover my ass way. Someone can ask you, "Do you support animal rights and if so, how have you stood up for those rights?" And you would say something along the lines of, "Oh yes! There was this one time that I signed an online petition to save the little dogs and cats." Wow, great to know you care, but that does NOTHING to help the cats and dogs. Go to the Animal Rescue League (my prefered between the League and the SPCA, because the League is bigger here and I work with cats from there) or the SPCA and donate your time. Money is always needed, but someone needs to be there to give the dogs a little bit of hope that someone will love them.
Next time, something like this is presented to you. The FIRST thing you should do, is research! Make sure what is being said is true. Secondly, look at the geographical issues that are surrounding that information. (The political (power), environmental (nature), economic (money) and social (people)aspects. As well as location, location, LOCATION.) Then, make the decision to sign or not to sign.
If you would like to read more about dogs and cats being used as sharkbait and the ideas and issues surrounding it, check out National Geographic. They have a really good article on it. But, make sure to read both pages.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Music Lessons For Those Without Good Music

Any of you who know me personally should know how much I dislike rap.
Most of the time it sounds like a beat. Nothing but a beat and some dumbo rambling and mumbling on so you can't understand what they are saying. How is that music at all?
Then, there's the music videos that correspond with these songs. Oh my gosh! Will the girls P-L-E-A-S-E put some clothes on! The songs tend to lean towards sex. And by lean, I mean that are so close they might as well fall off a cliff. Yes, I know, sex sells. It makes the songs more popular and makes the "artist" more money. DOES EVERYTHING have to involve sex and money. Either it's just me or that, for a good deal, is what music has reverted to.
Rap, as I feel, is supposed to be the raw emotions. Show the feelings and all included in how that person feels. It should be, understandable, easy to relate to and created in a way that doesn't take away from the meaning of the song. It should have a simple beat or instrumental part. That way it really conveys the message of the artist. Music videos should not have all these women that flaunt what they have (or what they don't have.) There should be meaning and emphasis put into those types of videos.
There's only one artist I've ever really know to follow what is written above. He's a local artist too. The meaning is wonderful! And you can really feel how he was feeling when all these events took placed that influenced him. The instrumental used is exquisite! I fell in love with the first song I heard. Me, one who hates just about all rap with a fiery passion. His music is unlike something I've ever heard and it's something any person my age, or any other age, can easily relate to.
Why can't more music artists be like that?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
La, La, La, La, I'm Not Listening, I'm Not Listening

"What! What did I do! I did absolutely nothing and it's you two that are scrapping!" You yell inside your head. You can't wait for university. Until then, you decide to call your father and warn him of the situation.
He appreciates the call.
*This being not all people, btw.
They fight and fight over nothing at all. And they will fight all afternoon until one decides to give up. You pretend to ignore it, but there's really not much you can do with it being the winter and all. So, you just sit where you are and make yourself invisible to the ones that fight.
That's my question. Why do they feel the need to fight over everything. They know that the fighting hurts the rest of the family just as much as it hurts them. But sometimes they just appear so prideful! They have to be the one to win and, yet, no matter how much they fight no one every really wins and nothing ever is accomplished because of it.
This leads me to wonder. Why do people never let others know when they have an issue (no matter the size) with someone? Instead, say your friend just suddenly became very sullen and stopped talking or laughing because someone said something that was offending. When that friend is asked what's wrong, they'll just say, "Leave me alone." or "You won't understand."
Oh My GOODNESS! Sorry for asking! Sorry I care! You just wanted to know what was wrong or what happened that caused such a change in attitude. And yet, no one will say. Most people won't, that is. If someone has a characteristic that someone else doesn't like and no one tells anyone that, then you have a reoccuring problem there.
People should know. Yes, at first it may sound offensive and hurt, but atleast that way they know. They know that they shouldn't make this reference or that action or act in this way. Things run smoother that way if people will just listen.
Listening. People so much rather choose to talk and exclaim and remark at everything, but most of the time... they just won't listen. They won't listen to themselves or others. They don't care about how others are feeling. Sometimes, people should PAY FREAKING ATTENTION to the world around them. People are only people. When you say something, they will react to it, the same if they do something. If you don't pay attention when there is a disagreement or notice when something bugs someone else, then you are left with nothing but a bad fight, soured relationship and a greater chance for a reoccurence.
People will say that fights are healthy and are good for people. BUT they can be beneficial if you learn from them and realize the way the other person works in the relationship and how they react to you in an aggressive way. If you don't pay attention to the other person and if you don't quit before things get really bad, there is no point. Fights are not the best solution.
People just need to learn how to freaking speak their mind when they have a problem. Not yell it out for the whole world to hear.
As in ancient Greece, fighting is only good to gain land for a short period of time.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Fast Food, Oh Fast Food, Oh How You Kill Us

<-- Garden. That makes me happy.
You know, I've been eating considerably healthier than I have since I had mono. Veggies, a sandwhich with no sauces or jazz, fruit, milk, and small portions of meat or eggs. Well, now it's getting to the point that fast food is, once again, starting to taste absolutely horrible to me. It's grease and fat and there's so much sugar. As long as I have enough fruit in the run of a day, everything is good and I don't crave chips or chocolate and small treats like that.
Ok, now really. Why do we eat fast food? There is nearly NO nutritional value to it at all. Most people know they shouldn't be eating it and once you have some it can sometimes become quite addictive. (Such as Mickie D's.) People know it's unhealthy and will make them gain a little extra weight and make them tired and irritable. So, why?
It's just 'oh so convinient!' Is a quote I used to say to my boss when I would come in to work with some fries and a burger. It's easy. You wait for maybe five minutes AT THE VERY MOST in many places and voila! Order up! There's your food. You didn't have to work for it or spend a good deal of time making it or for Pete's Sake, leave your car!
Why isn't there nutritional quick serving places around? Like, where they serve salads or panini fried sandwhiches? (It's where the buns/wraps are slightly toasty and everything inside is nice and warm.) They could serve you steamed veggies or fresh vegetables with milk or all natural juices.
Oh no. Can't do that. People don't want to buy "healthy" food. Bah! You'd be wasting your money. I think it would be a wonderous idea! I would eat there anytime of the day if there was such a place. And I'm talking better sandwiches that Subway. Onces that do not have all of the thick creamy sauces that they serve. Just imagine it! If there were Healthy Fast Food places, as contradicting as that sounds, people would be eating better, because I know that there are a great deal of people who would choose something like that over Mickie D's or Burger King.
There are so many benefits to eating healthy as well.
Signs of dehydration include:
Hard time sleeping
Tired throughout the day
Lack of ability to focus or stay on track.
*And this is just a few of them.
Having atleast two bottles of water a day made so much of an impact in my life! I was able to focus better in school, I didn't get as tired as easily and was able to work more efficiently and I felt that I became happier all around.
What foods you choose to eat can also change the way you feel towards things. The healthier you eat, the less sluggish or lazy you'll feel. *Although, this is not a garuntee, it has just worked for me in my life.* Again, I felt better, I felt cleaner and purerer (I'm not sure if that is a word) and lighter. Not to meantion, people began noticing that I was loosing weight, or at least appeared that I was loosing weight. That in itself, for me, is a great confidence booster.
Now that exams have finished, I will be starting to excercise (mostly, because I want to be in better shape for prom. But by setting this goal, it will help encourage me to actually do it) in the next few days. It's quite saddening for me when I can feel that my arms are weak and have a lack of muscle when I'm not doing enything. I can feel the difference between having some sort of body strength and having nothing at all.
I will now be summing up. It's late and this little girl wants to go to bed. One day, I want to live in a secluded house with no cable, a huge veggie garden, a few fruit bearing trees (especially apples) and I would like the house to be almost entirely self sustaining for power. (Wind turbines or solar panels.) That is my goal for right now and one day I hope that I can acheive that.
Anyone else feel that sometimes technology shouldn't have been released to the public? Because, then wouldn't we all eat better and exercise more with no computers or tv's?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Seeing Me, For How I Want To Be Seen

*Aside from a particular person I somewhat had this conversation with earlier.
Have any of you few readers, and by few I mean like three (that I'm aware of,) ever noticed my maturity level? Because I feel that it is higher than iI act at school. It's lower there because I get left out otherwise and I hate being left out. But when I'm at home or at someone else's house and we're talking about kinda important stuff, sometimes I feel like I get kinda deep into what I say. Now, this doesn't always happen, mind you, but it does tend to now and then.
*This is going to be a very sketchily written blog. I'm tired, but feel the need to write something, so I'll kinda be jumping over things.*
Here's something that REALLY IRRITATES ME! Oh my gosh! You do something and you think that it's just something for fun and games and then someone get's really mad at you. Ok. And then they WON'T TELL YOU ANYTHING! Ok, so what am I supposed to do. I just hurt you in some way and don't know how I did. WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME! Or when someone you know has a problem against you and your character and they won't tell you why they don't like you or what that itch is in their side. Ok, so if you have a problem with me, why won't you tell me so that I can fix it in some way to make you feel better?
What's the point in keeping these things to yourself? Really, they don't help the world turn smoother in ANY way. AT ALL.
What bugs me the most is that it's really easy, or kinda easy, for me to get a gist of how people feel towards me. Whether they like me, hate is easy, whether they have and itch against me. So it's really annoying when they WON'T tell me a thing.
Wouldn't you find that annoying?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So Much For a Good Relationship

Here comes my problem with the situation.
With such an age gap and him going to university next, he is considered to be too old for this younger girl. Her parents found out about the relationship and sat him down to talk. They are not at all fond of the situation. They want them to break up. They do not like the situation that their daughter is in being in a relationship with this older boy. The boy knows this, and is just about throwing what the parents think out the window. He "cares" too much about her. He would do "anything" for her, but will not show her that she needs to respect what her parents think and her parents descisions.
It has only been about a month and a half that they have been together and he "loves" her, Oh so much. SHE'S ONLY FOURTEEN! Does anyone else see a problem there? Other than me? What he feels is not love for her, but instead I deeply care about you. There is a BIG difference there!
Her last boyfriend was talking bad about her today. Her "lover" went over to her house and I was later told that if he see him, he is going to put his fist in the back of that boys nose. Although he knows full well her parents will greatly disapprove of him anymore. He wants to show her a good relationship, but what good is coming out of it. Her parents are not liking the way that she treats them. She takes almost no responsibility for anything in her family or the home. She's starting to get into the habit of liying to her parents or not telling them the full truth so that she can go see him.
He was a friend of mine, but with the way the "relationship" is going. I'm not liking it at all. Can anyone agree with me? I feel that there is something vastly wrong with some of the youth in the world today. They are sinister, deceiving and misheivious just so they can get what they want or be "cool."
Someone please agree with me.