One thing that bugs the crap outta me is when people say, "I literally would die without my music/phone." COME ON PEOPLE! THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO SAY "Oh, she/he has no music anymore, time for a giant wolf to come eat them." No! That's not the way things work. Yes, phones, internet and mp3's are great sources of entertainment, information and good for communication, but it's not something that we should base our life on. (Says the girl that spends nearly four hours on her cell phone, iPod and laptop combined. o.O I feel like a giant hypocrite, but atleast I know I won't die without them. I just like using them.)
Although, there are many times that I feel like I spend FAR too much time online or just on my laptop in general. I wish I didn't spend so much time, because then I would be able to do a better job studying or working on things for class or writing or painting or reading. Something else that gets me off and away from my computer. I just can't seem to do it. I've tried, but then I feel so detached from the communities that I am a part of online that I jump right back in and sometimes deeper than what I was originally. It's just so hard to leave no matter how much I want to. Sometimes I feel almost inhuman using technology so much. It's like I don't get enough time with something natural or another person.
I have some friends that also feel the same way. That they spend too much time on the computer. And sometimes, we talk about how much we don't want to be on the computer, talking on MSN.... And here I post about not wanting to be on the computer, sitting on my bed posting on an online blog. I feel like such a HUGE hypocrite.
I know it's easy and it's something to do, but why do some people feel so inable to seperate technology and themselves. It's like a hunk of metal and plastic has fused itself into their soul and does everything it can to seperate them. You WILL NOT DIE if you don't have your cell phone for a day. Even though you feel that you will, you won't. Just because your "life" revolves around a cell phone or an mp3 or a computer, doesn't mean that's all that can hold any importance in your life. Personally, if something holds that much meaning to you, you can't have any sort of real human relationship, because technology (in one way or another) will get in your way.
Now, time to rant on something else that bugs me...
To an extent, I agree with this and acknowledge that I, too, spend far too much time online - and I don't even have a cell phone. That being said... I obviously prefer face-to-face interaction and hanging out with people, but I don't think technology is just a hunk of wiring and metal anymore... I think, rather than humans being incorporated into the machine, we've incorporated it into us - we've humanized it, and made it possible to express emotions, feelings, and have conversations, and get to know and make friends with people simply on the basis of words on a screen - because it's not just words, but the words and feelings of the person on the other side of the screen. And in that way, although technically you're using a machine, it's more like interacting with another person, regardless of distance.
ReplyDeleteEspecially when, like you mentioned, you're involved in a bunch of online communities. I know I've made friends all around the country and across oceans and yet I can talk to them every day - and when you don't have any other practical medium for talking aside from msn, well, you tend to value it.
I know with all my rl friends, I don't talk too much online (unless it's someone who has moved to uni or I never see face-to-face anyway), because I can simply call them or make plans to hang out... and with that, yes, technology can seem limited by comparison.
But yeah. It's not that technology is inhuman, anymore... we've made it human, through our thoughts, emotions, and bonds. That's the way I see it, anyway. ^^ I do agree that we spend too much time on the computer, though - moderation is everything. x3
The only other thing is we don't realize is how AMAZING technology is.
ReplyDeleteI mean, cell phones. A little tiny square, that, through sending INVISIBLE beams to space. Then, the beams get sent to another tiny square... almost Anywhere else in the world.
That's pretty amazing
We rely on things we don't appreciate.
Also, the game.