Oh yum! Fast food.
<-- Garden. That makes me happy.
You know, I've been eating considerably healthier than I have since I had mono. Veggies, a sandwhich with no sauces or jazz, fruit, milk, and small portions of meat or eggs. Well, now it's getting to the point that fast food is, once again, starting to taste absolutely horrible to me. It's grease and fat and there's so much sugar. As long as I have enough fruit in the run of a day, everything is good and I don't crave chips or chocolate and small treats like that.
Ok, now really. Why do we eat fast food? There is nearly NO nutritional value to it at all. Most people know they shouldn't be eating it and once you have some it can sometimes become quite addictive. (Such as Mickie D's.) People know it's unhealthy and will make them gain a little extra weight and make them tired and irritable. So, why?
It's just 'oh so convinient!' Is a quote I used to say to my boss when I would come in to work with some fries and a burger. It's easy. You wait for maybe five minutes AT THE VERY MOST in many places and voila! Order up! There's your food. You didn't have to work for it or spend a good deal of time making it or for Pete's Sake, leave your car!
Why isn't there nutritional quick serving places around? Like, where they serve salads or panini fried sandwhiches? (It's where the buns/wraps are slightly toasty and everything inside is nice and warm.) They could serve you steamed veggies or fresh vegetables with milk or all natural juices.
Oh no. Can't do that. People don't want to buy "healthy" food. Bah! You'd be wasting your money. I think it would be a wonderous idea! I would eat there anytime of the day if there was such a place. And I'm talking better sandwiches that Subway. Onces that do not have all of the thick creamy sauces that they serve. Just imagine it! If there were Healthy Fast Food places, as contradicting as that sounds, people would be eating better, because I know that there are a great deal of people who would choose something like that over Mickie D's or Burger King.
There are so many benefits to eating healthy as well.
Signs of dehydration include:
Hard time sleeping
Tired throughout the day
Lack of ability to focus or stay on track.
*And this is just a few of them.
Having atleast two bottles of water a day made so much of an impact in my life! I was able to focus better in school, I didn't get as tired as easily and was able to work more efficiently and I felt that I became happier all around.
What foods you choose to eat can also change the way you feel towards things. The healthier you eat, the less sluggish or lazy you'll feel. *Although, this is not a garuntee, it has just worked for me in my life.* Again, I felt better, I felt cleaner and purerer (I'm not sure if that is a word) and lighter. Not to meantion, people began noticing that I was loosing weight, or at least appeared that I was loosing weight. That in itself, for me, is a great confidence booster.
Now that exams have finished, I will be starting to excercise (mostly, because I want to be in better shape for prom. But by setting this goal, it will help encourage me to actually do it) in the next few days. It's quite saddening for me when I can feel that my arms are weak and have a lack of muscle when I'm not doing enything. I can feel the difference between having some sort of body strength and having nothing at all.
I will now be summing up. It's late and this little girl wants to go to bed. One day, I want to live in a secluded house with no cable, a huge veggie garden, a few fruit bearing trees (especially apples) and I would like the house to be almost entirely self sustaining for power. (Wind turbines or solar panels.) That is my goal for right now and one day I hope that I can acheive that.
Anyone else feel that sometimes technology shouldn't have been released to the public? Because, then wouldn't we all eat better and exercise more with no computers or tv's?