For those of you that don't have about twenty minutes to watch them all, or who don't want to watch them all, here is my summary of each edit, in the order that I watched them.
Main Edit:
All of the edits are based at a pool party somewhere. However, they all follow a different person/group of people. The main edit follows Akon at this party. It shows him with different girls and hanging out with David Guetta as if they were the "luckiest son's of bitches" (to refer to the phrase.) After the party, we follow Akon to the dance club with even more girls. To go with the title of the song, there's sexy chicks EVERYWHERE you look and there's no avoiding it with this music video. But it works.
However, I really do not like this edit. For me, it just seems that it is too random and there's splashes (no pun intended) of things that don't make sense. They look like there's a story behind them, but with this music video, there just isn't. Which, for me, made me kind of confused. Though if you watch all the other videos you see where everything came from, but it simply doesn't make sense to edit a video that doesn't make sense unless you spend twenty minutes watching all the OTHER versions of the same thing. Also, the song is about one girl in particular that is this amazing sexy chick. But which one is she? There is no focus on one girl particular, which made me feel as if the video was contradicting the song. Because this video focuses on one of the artists, then there should be a bit more of him in the video and shots where he's not badly lip-syncing to his own song. Overall, this ranks as a number four.
Sexy Chick Edit:
This is the edit that makes the most sense to what the song is about. The focus is on one girl, who is the sexy chick girl. She leaves clues for Akon to find her throughout the video. He keeps following and looking for her, as if he really wanted her. Closely related to what the song talks about. The way this video is laid out it is a perfect story and kind of makes sense as to why the whole thing is set at a pool. Though, in my mind a pool isn't the best setting, but oh well. Can't have my way, yet again.
Overall, there's not much that I can say about this video. Yes, I don't like the pool as a setting, but that's where they all are. Everything just works so much better in this video than in any of the other edits. The choice in person to follow works. Akon's role works. There's not blahness or blan. No bad lip-syncing. There's nothing that confuses you too much. No shots that look like a horny teenager shot them. Therefore, this is my number one choice. Which disappointed me when I should have watched it last.
Nerd Edit:
The storyline of this edit follows the same path that the previous two edits have followed. Pool party. Lots of girls. Club. However, this one follows a group of semi (and very slightly at that) nerdy guys that manage to get into this pool party. The way they seemingly act is as if they've never ever dreamed of being in such a position or even been within ten feet of a girl. Seems a slightly cheesy to me. Because it's something that just hangs over the video and isn't really a strong factor.
However, there is a reasonable story to this one that kind of makes sense. Except, the song is not something would reasonably come from a nerdy kind of guy. Plus, the song is in first person, not third (because there is a group of guys rather than just one.) Again, there is no focus on one girl, which is the basis of what the song is. However, it makes sense, if only a little bit more than the others. This is number two.
Aquatic Edit:
Ok, this one was just plain bad. Girls in a pool. That's the entirety of this edit of the video and I really hated it. There's was nothing special about it and it just seemed like two guys got with a ton of girls and video taped them dancing in a pool. Then this one girl dives into the pool and gets stranded on a beach? How does that work at all? This edit was just a complete fail, as a music video. This ranks as big fat number six for me.
Photographer Edit
This edit follows through like the Sexy Chick edit. It follows one girl in particular, who is carrying around a Polaroid camera and taking pictures of people at the party. And then it cuts and you don't see her again when the club scene comes on.
I might have liked this one a bit more if I had watched it before the Sexy Chick edit, because they are both so similar. However, the song is obviously not about her, because she's not turning any guy on. The girl that the song is for is this girl that every girl wants to be. Frankly, it doesn't work for me. The flow of the video doesn't work, but it works better than some of the other edits. Therefore, this is my third favorite.
B****s Edit
This is the last edit that I watched. And I saved it for last intentionally. Ok, so the title of the edit mixing with the song gave me the impression that it would be pretty good at portraying the song. And was I right? No. It followed the same story line as all but the Aquatic did. Pool. Girls. Club. This one seems like it was supposed to be a dirtier version of the Sexy Chick Edit. The focus is on a small group of girls and little is seen of David or Akon.
The problem with this one though is it reminded me of the Aquatic edit for a good portion of the video. It seemed like some guys got some chicks to act "sexy" with some random things they found. If you listen to the song and hear what it's about, you see that this contradicts the song a bit. "I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful." Hmm... Does a fake sexy really seem even slightly respectful? Another fail in my books with a ranking of five.
Well, that's my opinion of all of them. However, a pool? Why a pool? The beat, the lyrics, the compilation, everything just pulls one to having a music video set some place where the lighting is dark. Like a club. Man, they could even be at a house party or something like that. A pool with a lot of white simply doesn't work.
But, I do enjoy the fact that there were numerous edits of the video, regardless that most of them sucked to high heaven. Anyway, stay tuned, 'cause I'll more than likely be doing this again sometime!
Ok. So, what's your opinion? If you did take the time to watch all of the videos (maybe more than once like me) let me know what you think. Maybe you liked something that I didn't. The only way for me to know is if you tell me!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, for any girls that read this. If you do watch all the videos, by the end of it you get this insane urge to start exercising. I know I did.
I watched some of the videos, and I agree that the sexy chick one is the best. However, I think you're misjudging the calibre of the song, disrespectful fake sexy was plenty appropriate. In the non radio version it's sexy bitch, not sexy chick. The without being disrespectful is just there for laughs at the contrast.
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn't want to change how you look because of something like this... You're already very attractive; if you want to exercise, then exercise; if you don't, don't.
If you say so. But I am incredibly weak and need to build muscle. :P More so what I meant.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I am about to change it, but found out that there were six directors. Each made their own.
I didn't watch the videos, but I just wanted to echo what Mark already said, since I especially hate that song. Yeah, the "without being disrespectful" is sarcastic/ironic whatever, considering the "damn you's a sexy bitch" and that line about the whore. So yeah. >_>
ReplyDeleteReading your summaries of the videos was still pretty good supplement, yours truly being too lazy to watch them. :P
Also Jessi, the stereotypical "hot chick" is actually not that attractive to some guys. Just saying, just be yourself.
Well, it was fun to watch them regardless :P Well, you must be one of those guys Aaron. Because from a girls perspective, that group of guys that thinks as you do seems to be growing smaller and smaller.
ReplyDeleteIf that's all it is, then good, strength is a good thing. Just don't feel pressured by anything, be yourself.
ReplyDeleteAs for the question of taste... Well, they look... fake to me. Appearance is appearance and I try not to judge off of it, but I'm far more likely to assume someone like that isn't really going to be good company. And thus not likely to ever bother talking to them.
I think I've seen the main edit and one other edit so far (I'll probably get around to watching these) but I think the song and the video's I've seen...pretty hilarious, actually. And I agree with the guys about the fake thing, it's really the girls that make me laugh, because they're so air-brushedly "sexy". If you have to WORK at it...you aren't sexy!
ReplyDeleteAnd Jess love, we're not conventionally sexy, but somehow....well we tend to have a similar problem when it comes to our wonderful guy friends! Cos, Damn, we some sexy chicks.
Agreed Zoo! We are. And I'm not saying that they are sexy as in I want to be like them sexy, it's that a growing number of the general people do see that as what sexy aught to be. How large that number actually is I don't know, but to me it does seem to be a growing number. I wrote this as if talking to, you know, normal people :P
ReplyDeleteA crippling error! We are all better than normal!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I even know anyone with a semblance of normality. It's quite wonderful. Agreed, Mark!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think it's going both ways. The underground is always bigger than you think. In this case the underground being "unconventionally sexy" likers. Haha.
Agreed and agreed.