People that look into your eyes are intrigued and mesmerized by their beauty. These eyes can often compell people to look into them and you may often find people staring deep into your eyes.
Your mask is Beauty. You are beautiful inside and out. You aren't too aware of your beauty, although all the people around you are. There are times when you feel like you're wearing a mask, but no one around you can notice the difference with or without it. You may feel vulnerable at times, but you usually get through it. You sometimes wish you had someone to help you through those tough times, but you are always hopeful and don't give up easily. People who first meet you notice your beauty at a glance, but most people notice it when they get to really know you.
Sometimes in life there are these little things that surprise you. Sometimes in a good way or sometimes in a way that makes you think in wonder.
Is this really how others see me? I didn't know that was how they thought. I wish I knew what others thought of me. Do they really care about me?
Numerous questions like that can run through my mind at one time when I'm with people. However, sometimes there's little things that make you realise that there are somethings that you can only realise when you hear it or read it. Above is something that I got on Facebook.
I don't think that I really am that mysterious at all. But people have told me that I am. People have also said that I'm intriguing because of the way that I do things. I don't think there's anything different than that because I just go with the flow most of the time.
Beauty... I think I'm pretty, but not nearly enough to be beautiful. And yet, people can tell me all the time that they know I'm beautiful and I could hear it every day for the rest of my life and I still would not believe them. I really don't see it in myself. I don't think that I'm the most personable person. I don't even know what my friends see in me and why they are my friends. But hey, that's just me.
Has anyone else wondered some of the questions that I've mentioned? Never thinking you're good enough or just wondering why you do what you do?
I understand that no one is perfect, but sometimes, can believing that not being perfect will affect the way you see yourself? Knowing you're not perfect can take away from the drive to be better?
Can people really see to the depths of your heart and soul by looking into your eyes...?