Books, movies: both are great sources of entertainment and information. I love to read and I love to watch movies. I think I have a pretty decent library for each. However, more books than movies. I can never seem to walk into a book store and come out with nothing. I can spend a good hundred dollars per trip. Books are like a drug!
Anyway, you're probably not reading this to listen to me rant on how much I like books (though, one day I think I might do a post on it. Soungs like it might be kinda interesting. Tee Hee!) but rather, something that could be slightly contraversial. So, here we go!
Alrighty, so, this all started when I went to go see the Watchmen. I haven't read the comic, but that doesn't really matter to me much anyway. Went to see it, thought it was ok and could have dealt a little less with the sex than what it did. Overall, I think I might end up buying it. One day, that is when I can afford to. This began a series of events that led from one thing to another and to the idea for this post. Turning books in to movies! Woot!
I love it when directors and writers and such decide to take a book and turn it into a movie. What a great way to show the ideas of the books. Though, there is something that is SO FREAKING ANNOYING.
Example A: Twilight
Example B: Harry Potter
Example C: The Watchmen
With all of these three examples I have heard complaints about the movie.
"That wasn't even in the book!"
"That's NOT what he's supposed to be like."
"She so didn't do that right. What a horrible actress."
"They didn't finish that scene."
"The completely didn't even put an important character in! They're so stupid."
I hate it when people do that....
What some people don't really realise is that the movie IS NOT supposed to be identical to the book. In many cases, somethings that happen in the book are not really possible to do in a movie. Another thing is that everyone has their own ideas and opinions about the book and that cannot be perfectly portrayed to suit the thoughts of each individual person.
So don't complain! There's no true reason for it. The movies are BASED off of the book for a reason... Not so that it acurately depics the book in second by second action. That would be far too difficult for someone to do. As I see it, a movie based on a book is to capture certain characteristics in people, certain events that happen, recreate certain feelings that the book gives you; it is meant to teach you the same thing the book teaches you, but in a different format and a slightly different setting.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I Want To Leave You, But I Just...Can't

One thing that bugs the crap outta me is when people say, "I literally would die without my music/phone." COME ON PEOPLE! THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO SAY "Oh, she/he has no music anymore, time for a giant wolf to come eat them." No! That's not the way things work. Yes, phones, internet and mp3's are great sources of entertainment, information and good for communication, but it's not something that we should base our life on. (Says the girl that spends nearly four hours on her cell phone, iPod and laptop combined. o.O I feel like a giant hypocrite, but atleast I know I won't die without them. I just like using them.)
Although, there are many times that I feel like I spend FAR too much time online or just on my laptop in general. I wish I didn't spend so much time, because then I would be able to do a better job studying or working on things for class or writing or painting or reading. Something else that gets me off and away from my computer. I just can't seem to do it. I've tried, but then I feel so detached from the communities that I am a part of online that I jump right back in and sometimes deeper than what I was originally. It's just so hard to leave no matter how much I want to. Sometimes I feel almost inhuman using technology so much. It's like I don't get enough time with something natural or another person.
I have some friends that also feel the same way. That they spend too much time on the computer. And sometimes, we talk about how much we don't want to be on the computer, talking on MSN.... And here I post about not wanting to be on the computer, sitting on my bed posting on an online blog. I feel like such a HUGE hypocrite.
I know it's easy and it's something to do, but why do some people feel so inable to seperate technology and themselves. It's like a hunk of metal and plastic has fused itself into their soul and does everything it can to seperate them. You WILL NOT DIE if you don't have your cell phone for a day. Even though you feel that you will, you won't. Just because your "life" revolves around a cell phone or an mp3 or a computer, doesn't mean that's all that can hold any importance in your life. Personally, if something holds that much meaning to you, you can't have any sort of real human relationship, because technology (in one way or another) will get in your way.
Now, time to rant on something else that bugs me...
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