I wear what I wear because that's what I want to wear. I want to look like a freak and turn heads because I'm not into all the American Eagle "Must Have" crap. But the question I must ask, is why someone would dare to insult what I wear when I'm just like a conservative punk. I layer stuff and nothing "hangs out." I don't wear mini skirts that just barely cover my underwear unless it's right on top of the comfiest pair of jeans I own. I don't wear tank tops to school unless it's ontop of a nice tee-shirt. So, why?
Is it because I don't feel the need to conform? Because I don't want every head staring and looking at what's down my shirt? Or up my skirt? I think it is becoming the "cultural norm" to show things off. Especially for girls and women. Can't people just take the time and, GET DRESSED! People go to school and wear less than a Barbie doll and get away with it! The only time I see the dress code enforced is when I was talking to a ninth grade class for my Art teacher and told a girl to put her sweater on! That was almost five months ago!
I find it incredibly stupid actually. That girls feel the need to dress the way they do. I dread going into Garage with my sister or friends and listening to their, "This is so cute!"s or "That's so hot!"s or "Oh my gosh, I HAVE to get it"s. It's really annoying after awhile.
But aside from all of my little ranting here, it being late and I'm tired, what can anyone do to fix this problem? MANY people need to start getting their act together. But it can start with one. Parents, being that I work in retail and see this, dress inapropriately and their children come in with them-and this is a pet store mind you....- and their thirteen year old girls look as if they were twenty six and ready to go to a bar or a club! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!
Either way, I do believe that most things can be blamed upon parents and the media. TV shows advertise kids dressing a certain way and kids are like, "Hey, that looks cool. I want to wear what they're wearing!" and then the chain begins.
I like my style. No one can change that.