Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a post-appocalyptic world?
To live by defense.
To only be able to survive by living off the land.
The use of modern technology truly a luxury.
To be forced to work in cooperation with those around you.
To survive.
There is a big difference in surviving and living. However, in todays world, it seems like we don't really live. To live is to take in as many experiences as the world will offer us. It is to live, laugh, love, cry, be frustrated, angered, to try, to achieve, and in the end, to die.
But today, it seems like all that people do is live by possession. People get angry with their parents because they can't go to "THE" party. Rather, they should make the attempt to understand why.
We don't work together as a community anymore. People live in such close quarters with each other and have such easy access to each other that they begin to not care about those around them. Is it possible to work in cooperation with people? To discover who they are as a person and realise how who they are balances out who we are.
Living in a post-appocalyptic world, people would be forced to work together. The family unit would become tighter and more important to an individual. Money and possessions would diminish. If you had to work to be able to survive, there would be little time for the collection of items that serve little purpose other than to entertain.
If you lived in a mini comunity of only thirty people, which would you rather be doing one night: 1) Listening to music on a dying iPod OR 2) Sit around a bon fire, telling stories, creating music, dancing, and laughing.
The older civilisation gets, the more people try to control each other. The less freedom we have. Humans should be allowed to be free to roam to walk to run around the world and enjoy the way that life was created for us. But instead, control becomes more important. Governments control us. Schools control us. Towns, provinces, states, counties, courts, people everything makes an attempt to take some form of control over us.
But why? Why do we have to be controlled in order to obtain some sort of happiness? Is it because we have become out of control? Maybe. I feel like it is technology.
Technology has made it possible for people to be able to live so easily these days. No longer do we have to hunt and forage. No longer do we have to skin and cut up an animal for food. No longer do we have to spend long hot days toiling on a feild to be able to eat that night. It's simply a matter of going down to the store to get food. There's no appreciation left in the simplicity of eating. I find it almost a shame.
To be thankful to simply eat.
There are simplicities all around us:
The birth of a child.
The smile of a friend.
The understanding of a handshake.
The love in a kiss.
The beauty in looking into someone's eyes.
The sweet song of the wind.
The rush of running through the woods.
The energy of swimming in a river.
The warmth of optimism.
Those are all things in my ever growing list that I love. I live for the simplicities in life and wish that at times, technology didn't exist. I'd be able to live freely. Today, people are all about the big things in life. They forget about the way that things are in their basic forms.
Everything is basic.
We just make it more difficult.
If we lived post-appocalyptic, maybe people would be able to understand what really counts. Maybe they'd be able to see the simplicities that we truly live by...