Monday, March 22, 2010

Sometimes, You Just Don't See Them

So, I have watch Lady Gaga's video for her song 'Telephone', I don't know, about thirty times, and tonight I just seem to be seeing all the little things that aren't quite right. Here they are.

1. After the guards escort Lady Gaga to her cell, they take the stripped dress off. However, they throw it one the bed. What's the purpose of it? Other, that is, than showing her pretty well naked.

2. When she goes into the exercise yard, the woman that's going to make out with her has no cell phone sticking out of the top of her pants. However, when Gaga goes to get the phone, it magically appears there.

3. Beyonce's nail's change color while she's sitting at the table of the diner. The first time you see them, they are like a pastel tie-dye. The second time while she is still wearing the yellow cowboy outfit, they are Americana.

4. The bisquits on the dying guy's plate keep changing where they're sitting on the plate and how many there are.

5. The first time you see Gaga and Beyonce together, take a look at their makeup. When they get back in the truck after the murders, the makeup is the exact same, HOWEVER, Beyonce does not have black lipstick on. If they were going to do everything else the same, why not that too?

Also, anyone notice the intense product placement in the video?

-Heartbeats headphones by Dr. Dre. There's a woman using them in the exercise yard.
-Virgin Mobile cell phone. Lady Gaga reaches for it.
-LG phone, which is also the Virgin Mobile phone. These two show up later as well.
-Diet coke cans she uses for curlers.
-Chanel sunglasses that she wears with the coke cans.
-HP laptop that the officer is using as Gaga is bailed out.
-Plenty of Fish, which the officer goes to on the HP.
-Polaroid. I didn't know they still made those cameras!! You see a camera in Pussy Wagon, and then there's a Polaroid photo booth later on.
-Miracle Whip. It's in the kitchen during sandwich making.
-Wonder Bread. Also on the table.
-They Pussy Wagon, or the truck they drive, is from Kill Bill.

I love the new director who's done 'Telephone' and 'Bad Romance'. Some of you may have noticed the similar products used in that video as well. What's really neat about the product placement, is that half of it you wouldn't notice unless you scower the video like I've done.

All in all, I love her video style. Bringing back the old nineties group dancing, as well as the really long videos from a a decade I can't place right now. I really appreciate it. As well as the fact that she half directs the videos herself.


  1. Continuity errors abound! Now I know how people feel when I get antsy about citations. :D

    Also, good job on catching the amount of product placement--I'm sure Adele would be pleased.

  2. :P Thanks Lisa. I'm sure Adele would be pleased. I just wanted to actually write down all of the products that I saw. So the 10 mins video became a half hour while I paused, rewound and played. (which makes it sound like I'm using a VCR, but I'm not. :P)
